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Shipping Policy


Shipping for all orders within India is Free. Please note, for the international orders of and below INR 25000, the shipping charges are INR 1500/kg. For orders above INR 25000, the shipping is free.


Please refer to the product page for estimated shipping and delivery timelines for both domestic and international orders. From the time of shipping, it takes about 7-12 working days for domestic orders and 15-20 working days for international orders to reach you.

If you have placed an order with multiple items, please note that your items may arrive in multiple shipments. The estimated delivery times are indicative, and, on some occasions, there might be some unavoidable delays beyond our control. We will keep you informed in case of any delays.


We will try our best to get your products to you within the estimated delivery time. If the package has not reached to you the expected delivery date, please whatsapp us on +919587999970 and we will try our best to resolve your issues.


For orders within India, once your order has been dispatched, you will receive an email with the details of the tracking number and the courier company that is processing your order. You can track the status of your package 24 hours after your order is dispatched from our warehouse.
Prepaid express shipping orders take upto 7-12 business days.
We take 12-15 working days to ship international orders from our end.
Cash on delivery orders take upto 10-12 business days.


The customs and duties for international customers will be borne by the customer, it cannot be estimated by us before or after placing an order with us. Also we cannot assure you if the particular order needs to be paid for or not, it's totally not under our control.


We will collect personal identification information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us. Users can always refuse to supply personally identification information, except that it may prevent them from engaging in certain site related activities.
Please whatsapp us on +919587999970 with your order number to inform us if you wish to opt for self-collection upon order confirmation.
If the order is not collected within 2 working days, we will mail the order to the shipping address stated.
Self-collection is only available 1 day after order is made.
Prepaid orders are not eligible for cancellation.


Please note that there may be certain orders that we are unable to accept/fulfill and must cancel. We reserve the right at our sole discretion to refuse or cancel any order for any reason.
Some situations that may result in your order being cancelled include limitations on quantities available for purchase inaccuracies or errors in product or pricing information, or problems identified by our credit and fraud avoidance department.
We may also require additional verification or information before accepting any order.
We will contact you if all or any portion of your order is cancelled or if additional information is required to accept your order.
The customer agrees not to dispute the decision made by B'Infinite and accept B'Infinite's decision regarding the cancellation.
Delivery is trackable and 100% insured.
The customer or addressee (anyone living at the address) will be required to sign for the package at the door.
If no one is at home/office to receive it a redelivery will be attempted up to 2 more times. You will be contacted by the courier company for a suitable time for redelivery.
As soon as the order is shipped, we will send a detailed message with the name of the courier company and tracking number. It is customer's duty to follow up with the courier company. It's only after that we can help them with the exact status of order along with its location.


Your orders will only be processed and packed during the operation hours. Our mailing team operates from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday - Friday (exclusive of Public Holidays).